Sybil Sloan, J.D.
Sybil M. Sloan, CPC, CVDC
Sybil completed her undergraduate degrees at Campbell University. Sybil is a degreed Life Coach as well as a licensed Spiritual Counselor. She is also a. Certified Veteran Development Coach. Sybil currently owns Sloan’s Consulting Insurance and Financial Services as well as Snappy Taxes. Being a Life Coach is her passion and the results she gets, keep her striving to have as many sessions as possible. She is currently touring her Renown Session; Breaking Through your Now! She loves to spend her free time Ministering classes for Financial Literacy or Worshipping through song. Her EP and her book is being released soon. Life Coach Sloan is an acclaimed Talk Show Host on CW22, and a blog talk radio host as well. Though frightening at times Coach Sloan has walked heavily in her anointing. Some has even referred to her as a "bulldozer" in the spirit. She has remained humble if you ask her she always says, “Though I've been untrustworthy, I am grateful that God trusted me to share with you.” Her scripture text that she stands on is Hebrews 10:35 "Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward."
My Pledge To You As Your Personal Life Coach
As your Life Coach, I make the pledge to you that it is not about what I think you need; it is about your desires and me helping you achieve those goals. Coaching is not a do this and that will happen concept for me; it is reaching deep, planning and allowing you to come through and out of your experience whole and complete. I am part advisor, part visionary, part cheerleader, as your coach it is my joy to help you gain more in personal development, self-discovery, clarity, balance, satisfaction, self-improvement and success. I help my clients to align with their personal mission and vision and this will help them make better choices and live a more unique and fulfilled life. If you are ready for more joy, happiness, motivation, organization and self-confidence, then let’s schedule a collaborative interview so we can get to know each other better and discuss how you can start living your best life.

What Can A Life Coach Do For You?
Bring Clarity to your life
Achieve better balance
Set goals for your life
Know your strengths and enjoy your life
Learn to appreciate who you are
Resolve personal and professional problems

What is a Personal Life Coach?
A Personal Life Coach is someone who is qualified to support, encourage, challenge and motivate you to achieve your goals. A coach is a good active listener that can pick up from your voice what you are really thinking and will facilitate you to take actions to move yourself towards your goals. They will celebrate your successes, help you discover how to overcome obstacles, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and enable you to move forward at a far greater pace than you could achieve on your own, with the ultimate aim of you achieving your goals and discovering a much happier life.
What happens during a coaching session?
During each session we will recap on the actions set and achieved from the last session and look at general progress and successes. We will then set a ‘session goal’ to clearly set out what you want to achieve by the end of the day’s session. We then explore where you are at the moment with that particular goal; what you have tried; what has worked and any obstacles you have come across along the way. We then explore all the possible options in achieving that goal, using lots of techniques to really extract options that you have never thought of before. Lastly and most importantly we look at what actions you want to set yourself from the list of options to achieve that session’s goal.
How many Life Coaching sessions will I need?
This depends on what you want to achieve with your coaching. Most people come to a Personal Coach with a life changing goal in mind. In order to achieve this we look at smaller goals, that need to be achieved each session, to move you closer to your overall goal. For some people this may take as little as 6 sessions and for others it will be more. It is a very personal decision based on your individual goal.
What sorts of people have a Life Coach?
From my experience every type of individual will come to me for coaching. The only traits these people have in common is the desire to change part of their life so they are happier, and the realisation that they will stay focussed and get there quicker with the support of a coach.
Where does the coaching take place?
In the majority of cases the coaching will take place over the phone, with the client phoning the coach. This has proven to be the most convenient way for individuals to fit coaching into their busy lives. Other than the phone, you will need a quiet room with no distractions where you can totally focus on the conversation. Face to face coaching is available, to those in theFayetteville ,NC area, if they prefer this option.
How much does it cost?
Coaching costs about the same amount of money as seeing any health professional. Sessions prices are as low as $30 and last approx. 45 minutes. This really is a very small price to pay for the life changing experience that you desire. For more information on packages and prices click here.
What will I have to do?
To get the best from Life Coaching, you need have a positive attitude towards the achievement of your goal. You need to be totally open, trusting and honest within the coaching relationship. You need to have the time and commitment to complete the actions that you will set yourself at the end of each session. These actions are what will move you closer to your overall goal. Ultimately your level of commitment will directly influence the speed and extent to which your goals will be realised. To help you with all of this, the coach provides boundless motivation, support and encouragement within a confidential and non-judgemental environment.
What are the benefits of Personal Life Coaching?
The benefits of Life Coaching are having someone that is solely dedicated to you and the achievement of your goals. They are non-judgemental, supportive, encouraging and motivating just when you need it. They keep you focussed on where you want to be and moving forward in the right direction. They will enable you to get to where you want to be in life, much faster than you could on your own.